IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A

IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A

Here is the LA-2A emulation from IK Multimedia, the TR5 White 2A. Does anyone else feel like the UIs for IK Multimedia sometimes feel (for lack of a better word) bulky?

I know that is a weird way to describe an onscreen interface, but that is how they look to me. Kind of chunky or heavy.  Maybe you are thinking to yourself, “who cares, the interface works just like the real hardware.” Yeah, ok, I get it. And it really always comes down to how it sounds. But I still carry in me this person who likes stuff to be fun as well as useable, and it’s my blog so I get to say what I want!

That out of the way, IK Multimedia does a good job modeling the harmonics of a real LA2A. Not so sure about the accuracy of the frequency response, as I see and hear it. But I actually prefer what they did here in certain circumstances. I like getting the non-linearity and harmonic distortion of the analog without it reproducing a wonky frequency curve. It rolls off the low end and leaves everything else alone. Not accurate to the original hardware, but useful! (See my rant on the Waves CLA-2A.)

Take a look and compare the UAD versions, the Plugin Alliance NEOLD U2A, and the Waves CLA-2A.


IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Linear Analysis
IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Linear Analysis

IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Harmonic Analysis
IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Harmonic Analysis

IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A 2db reduction Harmonic Analysis
IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A with 2db reduction Harmonic Analysis

IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Compress Dynamics
IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Compress Dynamics

IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Limit Dynamics
IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A Limit Dynamics

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