Plugin emulations of audio hardware.
Note: Remember, just because someone says they are emulating something, use a similar sounding name, or have an hardware-looking GUI it doesn’t mean they are actually modeling a device properly. Unfortunately, there are some developers who use common algorithms or faulty techniques and claim they are emulating a specific piece of analog equipment. I do some testing in order to verify that things are at least “in the ballpark”, at least with equipment I am familiar with or have access to. It is helpful if others chime in on this as well! The group on Facebook is a good place to communicate or leave a comment here!

ACME Audio Opticom XLA-3
- Brainworx ACME Audio Opticom XLA-3
ADR Compex F760X-RS
- Boz Digital Labs +10db
API 2500
- Plugin Alliance Lindell SBC
- UAD API 2500 Bus Compressor
- Waves API 2500
API 525
- LSR Audio VLB525
BSS DPR-402 Compressor/Limiter/De-Esser
- Waves BSS DPR-402
Capital Studio CM5511
- UAD Capital Mastering Compressor
Chandler Limited Zener Limiter
- UAD Chandler Limited Zener Limiter
DBX 160/165
- Arturia Comp VCA-65
- Native Instruments VC 160
- UAD dbx 160 Compressor/Limiter
- Waves dbx 160 Compressor/Limiter
Drawmer 1973
- Softube Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor
Elysia mpressor
- Brainworx elysia mpressor
- UAD Elysia mpressor
Elysia alpha
- Brainworx elysia alpha compressor
- UAD Elysia alpha compressor
- Kush AR-1
- Waves Abbey Road RS-124
Empirical Labs Distressor
- Empirical Labs Arousor
- IK Multimedia TR5 Comprexxor
- Kiive Xtressor
- Slate Digital FG-Stress
- UAD Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor
Empirical Labs Fatso
- UAD Fatso Tape Sim. & Compressor
Eventide Omnipressor
- Eventide Omnipressor
Fairchild 660/670
- IK Multimedia TR5 VC-670 Compressor
- UAD Fairchild Tube Limiter
- Waves PuigChild Compressor
Gates STA-Level
- Arturia Comp TUBE-STA
Manley Vari Mu
- Native Instruments Vari Comp
- UAD Manley Variable Mu Limiter Compressor
- IK Multimedia TR5 Dyna-Mu
Millennia TCL-2 Twincom
- Brainworx Millennia TCL-2
Neve 2254
- Waves V-Comp
- UAD Neve 2254/E
Neve 33609
- IK Multimedia TR5 Precision Comp/Limiter
- UAD Neve 33609/C
Purple Audio MC77
- Brainworx Purple Audio MC77
Pye Compressor
- Waves Kramer PIE Compressor
Rupert Neve Design Portico 5043 Compressor
- Steinberg RND Portico 5043
Shure M62 Level-Loc
- Soundtoys Devil-Loc
Shadow Hills Master Compressor
- Brainworx Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A
- UAD Shadow Hills Master Compressor
SSL 4000 Bus Compressor
- Cytomic The Glue
- IKMultimedia TR5 Bus Compressor
- Native Instruments Solid Bus Comp
- SSL Bus Compressor 2
- UAD SSL 4000 G Bus Compressor
- Waves SSL SSL G-Master Buss Compressor
SSL SL 400E Listen Mic Compressor
Summit Audio TLA-100A
- Softube Summit Audio TLA-100A
- UAD Summit Audio TLA-100A Compressor
Teletronix LA-2A
- IK Multimedia TR5 White 2A
- Native Instruments VC2A
- Plugin Alliance NEOLD U2A
- UAD Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
- Waves CLA-2A Compressor/Limiter
Teletronix LA-3A
- UAD Teletronix LA-3A Classic Audio Leveler
- Waves CLA-3A Compressor/Limiter
Tube-Tech CL-1B
- Softube Tube-Tech Compressor Collection
- UAD Tube-Tech CL 1B Compressor
- Audified u73b Compressor
Universal Audio 175B/176
- UAD 175B & 176 Tube Compressor Collection
Urei 1176
- Arturia Comp FET-76
- IK Multimedia TR5 Black 76 Limiting Amplifier
- Native Instruments VC76
- Pulsar Audio Smasher
- Softube FET Compressor
- UAD 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
- Waves CLA-76
Valley People Dyna-mite
- Softube Valley People Dyna-mite
- UAD Valley People Dyna-Mite
Vertigo Sound VSC-2
- Brainworx Vertigo VSC-2
- UAD Vertigo Sound VSC-2 Compressor
Echo and Delay Units

A/DA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay
- Brainworx A/DA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay
- UAD A/DA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay
Binson Echorec
- Audiority Echoes T7E
- Pulsar Echorec
Dytronics CS-5 Tri-Stereo Chorus
- UAD Dytronics Tri-Stereo Chorus
Urei Cooper Time Cube
- UAD Cooper Time Cube MKII Delay
Dytronics FS-1 Cyclosonic Panner
- UAD Dytronics Cyclosonic Panner
Echoplex EP-3/4
- Audiority Plexitape
- IKMultimedia Tape Echo
- UAD EP-34 Tape Echo
Eventide H910 Harmonizer
- Eventide H910 Harmonizer
- UAD Eventide H910 Harmonizer
KORG SDD-3000 Digital Delay
- UAD KORG SDD-3000 Digital Delay
Lexicon PCM 42 Digital Delay Processor
- Lexicon PSP 42/85
Lexicon Prime Time Digital Delay
- Soundtoys PrimalTap
Roland RE-201 Space Echo
- Audiothing Outer Space
- UAD Galaxy Tape Echo

Abbey Road RS56 passive EQ
- Waves RS56 Passive EQ
Abbey Road RS135/127
- Softube Abbey Road Studio Brilliance Pack
A-Designs HM2EQ
- Kush Audio Hammer DSP
- SoundToys Radiator
Amek 200 EQ
- AMEK/Plugin Alliance EQ 200
Amek 9098 EQ
- Brainworx bx_2098 EQ
API 550A/B, 560
- IK Multimedia EQ PA, EQ PB, EQ PG
- UAD API 500 Series EQ Collection
- Waves API 550/560
Avedis Audio E27
- PSP Audioware E27
Bettermaker EQ232P MKII
- Bettermaker/Plugin Alliance EQ232D
Calrec PQ1549 EQ:
- IK Multimedia TR5 Classic Equalizer
Chandler Limited Curve Bender
- UAD Chandler Limited Curve Bender Mastering EQ
Dangerous Music BAX EQ
- Brainworx Dangerous BAX EQ
- UAD Dangerous BAX EQ Collection
elysia musseq
- Brainworx elysia musseq
Filtek BFE Mk5 EQ
- Softube Active Equalizer (in Passive/Active pack)
Focusrite ISA110
- Focusrite Midnight EQ
Focusrite Red EQ
- Focusrite Red (Plug-In Suite) EQ
Harrison 32 Series Console EQ
- UAD Harrison 32C Channel EQ
Helios Channel Strip
- UAD Helios Type 69 Preamp and EQ Collection
- Waves HLS Channel
Klein + Hummel UE-100EQ
- Lindell Audio TE-100
Lindell Audio PEX-500
- Lindell Audio PEX-500
Mäag Audio EQ4
- Maag Audio EQ4
- UAD Maag EQ4 EQ
Manley Massive Passive
- Native Instruments Passive EQ
- UAD Manley Massive Passive
Manley Pultec EQP-1A
- Native Instruments Enhanced EQ
Millennia NSEQ-2
- Brainworx Millennia NSEQ-2
- UAD Millennia NSEQ-2 EQ
Motown 7-band passive EQ
- Kit Plugins BB Mo-Q
- NoiseAsh Motone EQ
- UAD Hitsville EQ
Neumann PEV 930
- Softube Passive Equalizer (in Passive/Active pack)
Neve EQ 1073
- IK Multimedia EQ 73
- Kit Plugins BB N73
- Kuassa EVE-AT1
- NoiseAsh Need 73 Console EQ
- Sonimus Burnley 73
- UAD Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection
- Waves Scheps 73
- Waves V-EQ3
Neve EQ 1081
- Waves V-EQ4
- IK Multimedia EQ 81
- Kuassa EVE-AT4
- UAD Neve 1081 Classic Console EQ
Neve EQ 1084
- UAD Neve 1084 Preamp & EQ
Neve 31102 EQ
- UAD Neve 31102 Classic Console EQ
Pultec EQP-1A
- Ignite Amp PTEq-X
- IK Multimedia TR5 EQP-1A
- NoiseAsh Rule Tec EQ1A
- OverToneDSP PTC-2A Vintage Program EQ
- UAD Pultec Passive Collection
- Waves PuigTec EQP-1A
Pultec MEQ-5
- NoiseAsh Rule Tec EQ5M
- UAD Pultec Passive Collection
- Waves PuigTec MEQ-5
Pultec HLF-3C
- NoiseAsh Rule Tec FC3C
- UAD Pultec Passive Collection
Pultec EQH-2
- OverTone PTH-2A
Tube-Tech PE 1C/ME 1B
- Softube Tube-Tech PE 1C,
Rupert Neve Design Portico 5033 EQ
- Steinberg Rupert Neve Design Portico EQ
- DDMF 6144 EQ
Siemens W295b EQ
- Soundtoys Sie-Q
Sontec 432 Master EQ
- IK Multimedia Master EQ 432
Sony OXF-R3 Digital Mixing Console EQ
- Sonnox Oxford EQ
SPL Passeq
- Brainworx SPL Passeq
(see SSL Channel emulations)
Summit Audio EQF-100
- Softube Summit Audio EQF-100
Tonelux Tilt
- Softube Tonelux Tilt
- UAD Tonelux Tilt EQ
Trident A-Range EQ
- Softube Trident A-Range EQ
- UAD Trident A-Range Classic Console EQ
Trident 80B
- Trident 80B EQ
Trident CB9066
- CB 9066 EQ
Universal Audio 610 Modular Amplifier preamp
- UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Collection
Urei 545 Filter Set
- Eventide EQ45
Urei 565 Filter Set
- Eventide EQ65
Tape Machines

Ampex ATR-102
- UAD Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder
Ampex AG-440B
- IK Multimedia Tape Machine 440
Custom Ampex 350 Preamp, 351 Electronics
- Waves Kramer Master Tape
Mara Machines MCI JH24
- IK Multimedia Tape Machine 24
Revox PR99 Mk II
- IK Multimedia Tape Machine 99
Studer A80 RC Mk II
- IK Multimedia Tape Machine 80
Studer J37
- Waves J37 Tape Machine
Studer A800
- UAD Oxide Tape Recorder
- UAD Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder
Reverb units, plates and chambers

- UAD AKG BX 20 Spring Reverb
- UAD AMS RMX16 Expanded Digital Reverb
EMT 140
- Arturia Rev PLATE-140
- SoundToys Little Plate
- UAD EMT 140 Classic Plate Reverberator
- Waves Abbey Road Reverb Plates
EMT 244/245
- PSP Audioware 2445
EMT 250
- UAD EMT 250 Classic Electronic Reverb
Eventide SP2016 Reverb
- Eventide 2016 Stereo Room
Lexicon 224
- Native Instruments Reverb Classics RC 24
- UAD Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb
Lexicon 480L
- Native Instruments Reverb Classics RC 48
- Relab LX480
- UAD Lexicon 480L Digital Reverb and Effects
Consoles and Channel Strips

Abbey Road REDD consoles
- Waves Abbey Road REDD
API Vision
- UAD API Vision Channel Strip
EMI TG 12345 channel strip
- Waves Abbey Road EMI TG12345
Focusrite Studio Console
- Brainworx bx_console Focusrite SC
Harrison 32Classic
- Harrison 32Classic Channel Strip
Helios Channel Strip
- UAD Helios Type 69 Preamp and EQ Collection
- Waves Kramer HLS Channel
Manley VOXBOX Tube Channel Strip
- UAD Manley VOXBOX Channel Strip
Neve 8028 Console
- Lindell Audio 80 Series
Neve 88RS
- UAD Neve 88RS Channel Strip Collection
Neve VXS Console
- Brainworx bx_console N
SSL 4000 B Channel
- SSL 4K B
SSL 4000 E/G Channel
- Brainworx bx_console SSL 400E / 4000G
- T-RackS CS British/White Channel
- UAD SSL 4000 Series Console Bundle
- Waves SSL 4000 Collection

Ampex 350 tape drive
- SoundToys Decapitator A setting
API Vision Preamp
- UAD API Vision Preamp
Chandler/EMI TG Channel
- SoundToys Decapitator E setting
Neve 1057 input channel
- SoundToys Decapitator N setting
Neve 1073 preamp
- IK Multimedia EQ 73
- Sonimus Burnley 73
- UAD Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection
- Waves Scheps 73
Neve 8014 console preamp
- Sonimus Britson
TAB/Telefunken V76
- Arturia Pre V76
- Neold V76U73
- UAD V76 Preamplifier
Miscellaneous Hardware Devices

Audio & Design Recording Panscan
- SoundToys PanMan
Aphex Aural Exciter
- Waves Aphex Vintage Aural Exciter
Black Box Analog Design HG-2
Brainworx Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS / HG-2
BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer
- BBE D82 Sonic Maximizer
Dolby Labs 430 Series Background Noise Suppressor
- Waves W43 Noise Reduction Plugin
Eventide H3000
- Eventide H3000 Factory
Eventide H910
- UAD Eventide H910 Harmonizer
SPL Vitalizer MK2
- SPL Vitalizer MK2
- UAD SPL Vitalizer MK2-T
SSL Fusion
- SSL Fusion Vintage Drive
- SSL Fusion Violet EQ
SSL Fusion HF Compressor
Thermionic Culture Vulture
- Arturia Dist Tube Culture
- SoundToys Decapitator T & P Setting
- UAD Thermionic Culture Vulture
Vertigo Sound VSM-2
- Brainworx Vertigo VSM-3
- UAD Vertigo Sound VSM-3 Mix Satellite